Warm-up, 5 minutes:
Side-shuffle hop
20 cadence count merkins
Mountain climbers
Willie Mays Hayes
Forward and backward arm circles

3x – 2 laps around parking lot (1/2 mile), run indian style
3x – 20 LBCs, 20 merkins, 20 squats
1 ¼ mile lap OYO
1 5-count cadence “Floyd Plank”

20 World War 2’s
20 Carolina Dry Docks
20 Floyd’s frog exercises
20 LBCs
20 Dolphin pushups
20 Can openers, 10 on each side
20 Ski abs


Memorable moments:
1. Floyd hiding behind his car during the run and creeping out from the woods.
2. The Q scrapping the Indian run by the end due to not being able to keep up.
3. Pax discussing their names and how they got them