31 brave Pax came out in the 23 degree chill this am to face off against Tar Heel Mountain and Subprime’s Cinderblocks of Love…….

  1. Pax started at bottom of parking lot and hit all 18 parking spaces conducting 5 burpees at each line for a total of 90 burpees (NO WARMUP)
  2. After completion, headed to bottom of parking lot where rucks, 45 and 35 lbs weights and SP Cinderblocks of Love waited for us.  Each coupon was picked up and we conducted 2 sets of overhead shoulder press supersetted with shoulder swings in-between.  If you did not have a coupon you sprinted the long hill until you could rotate in to get some fun.
  3. Pax then moved to the middle part of Tar Heel Mountain with weight in hand to lunge and press their weight overhead to the top of parking lot.  Those without a weight sprinted the long driveway hill until entire group completed press station and then switched.
  4. Lastly, the Pax headed down to the way bottom of Tar Heel Warrior Mountain and conducted the Bear Crawl/ Traveling Burpee/ Bear Crawl to the very top top of the parking lot.

No time for Mary

COT: Proud as hell to have our brother Lo Pair back in the mix this am!

