Have you seen these stats?

  • Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in US.


  • Men die by suicide 3.6x more than women, and rate is highest in middle age white men
  • For every suicide there are 25 attempts


Suicide is not a new issue; even in the bible it’s referenced that Judas; one of the original 12 disciples, killed himself after betraying Jesus.  I would imagine there are others like me that are ignorant to the stats around suicide and what we can do about it.  Please take 2 minutes to read the below; the info just may save a life.

Google “Suicide stats” and take a look.  The numbers are hard to swallow.  So, why do so many do it or attempt it.  Isn’t there something that can be done?  Yep – there is!

First you need to understand why people do it.  There is no 1 reason; there is a mix of them.  We all know everyone thinks differently – no 2 minds are alike.  Some reasons for suicide are from depression or mental illness, other reasons are people are going through guilt, heartache or feel worthless like they don’t belong.

Whatever the reason; it’s important to know that God is always there.

What can you do?  Know that we have the unique opportunity of being in F3 to make a big difference.  We already have a strong platform and support group of brothers here at F3.  To make a difference – first, look for red flags.  Are you genuinely asking others how they are doing and opening the door for conversation?  Are you there for those that may need to be picked up?  Do you recall the last time you were down and someone picked you up?


We all have low points, but with some support, we shall survive.  United we Stand right…  Remember Gods power and love.  Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times.  John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Take a look at mission22.com which we have been donating to this month.  Invite a bother to an F3 workout.  Get involved with something to make the world better; achievement does not equal fulfillment.  Are we not #HIM ~ of course we are.  But without action there is only talk.  3rd F matters