A PAX of 17 made their way out for another round of fun at the Vortex. After the Vortex standard lap around the field, we circled up for a warm up.

Warm up: SSH, WMH, Air Squat, Mountain Climbers and Merkins

To ensure everyone in the PAX was nice and warm, we rounded out the warm up with everyone’s favorite song about Sally. Each member pushed themselves to the max, switching to SSH once they hit their failure point. Assisi didn’t have to do any SSH because we was a slacker and decided making it to the end of the song was a better idea. Tclaps to Assisi here.

Following the warm up, the PAX broke into two squads for the Thang:

Squad one hit the play ground for circuits of the following: Pull ups, Derkins, Rows, Dips and Box Jumps

Squad two paired up back at the field and completed four rounds of Devin Hesters (YCH inspired by the upcoming football season):

Round one: 5 burpees on each end of the field, cinder block runner 10 overhead presses (switch and repeat)

Round two: ten jump lunges on each end of the field, cinder block 10 clean presses (switch and repeat)

Round three: fifteen air squats on each side of the field, cinder block runner 15 overhead presses (switch at repeat)

Round four: fifteen merkins on each side of the field, cinder block runner 15 overhead presses (switch and repeat)

Following round four the two squads switched locations and repeated the rounds of circuits and Devin Hesters

To round of the pain, YHC took the PAX on one last “recovery jog” around the field — Jog the long ends and sprint the two shorter

Mary: Dealers choice