YHC has been spinning his wheels lately at Hi-Fidelity trying to locate his legs and lungs after months of limited use. However, one can run around in circles with Au Pair for only so long, so I was thankful for the change of scenery at Pullen this morning. 17 of greater Wake County’s finest rolled into the lot and off we went.

The Thang:

Head over to amphitheater for warm-up circle:  SSH’s, plank jacks, good mornings, windmills

Jog over to curved steps on south side of the pond for:

  • Little Baby Dips x 15
  • Quick Feet x 20
  • Slow Derkins x 10
  • Mini Jump-Ups x 20
  • Little Baby Dips x 15
  • Quick Feet x 15
  • Slow Irkins x 10
  • Mini Jump-Ups x 15

Mosey over to bridges – lunge walk across first bridge, duck walk around Goose Poop Island gazebo, lunge walk across second bridge, then plank x 30 count

Run up hill to tennis courts:

  • Centipede – pax runs single file from baseline down sideline to net, shuffles to center line, runs backwards to baseline, shuffles to other sideline, runs down sideline to net – repeat on each side of all 3 courts
  • Protractor Balls to Wall – standard BTW x 10 count, drop to 45 degree angle x 10 count, drop to high plank x 10 count
  • Standard 3-Court Suicides
  • Repeat Protractor BTW
  • Sprint across all 3 courts

Jog to bottom of Half Pipe for Partner BGC’s:

  • Round 1: partner 1 bear crawls to top of hill while partner 2 does AMRAP burpees – flapjack
  • Round 2: partner 1 gorilla walks to top of hill while partner 2 does squat hold – flapjack
  • Round 3: partner 1 crab walks to top of hill while partner 2 does Chilcutt – flapjack

Run back down to amphitheater for 6 mins of Mary Arm Circles:

  • Russian Hammers x 20
  • LBC’s x 20
  • Homer to Marge x 20
  • Forward arm circles x 20, hold arm circle position x 10, reverse arm circles x 20, hold arm circle position for 3-count around the horn


The Skin:

  • Great to be back with The Forge pax. T-claps men – it was a no 10-count Tuesday.
  • The Forge has a little UN flavor to it with regular representation from Central and North Raleigh, Wake Forest, Cary and Southern Wake, which led me to a very random thought for great pax name:  Boutros Boutros Ghali.
  • New Mexico shared a great story of laying the EH on a friend, who, upon hearing about F3 from our brother, claimed that the workout model was not sustainable and that NM would not last more than a year.  That promptly solicited a lunch wager. Believe our misguided #SadClown will be eating crow and picking up the check, especially since NM is already 6 months in and showing no signs of slowing down. NM then reminded us with some wonderful heartfelt words that we must never stop looking for guys to EH – I believe the quote was along the lines of “When I find something good, I want to share it with others, and F3 is definitely something good.”  Well said.
  • YHC finally caved to the pressure of incorporating the dreaded FAC’s into the rotation, though I fought it until the very end.  At some point, you just have to give the people what they want. Nod to Epoxy for the inspiration for the above pic.
  • Reminders: F3 Dads – 5/31 @ Fletcher, Komen Race – 6/14 @ Meredith, The Arena – every Saturday (except last Saturday of each month) @ the Healing Place, Metamorphosis – Wed @ Moore Square, Hopebuilder – Tues, Thurs & Friday @ Dufresne’s home.  Sign Up, Show Up – your presence and participation is essential, appreciated and most importantly impactful.
  • Prayers:  Paisley’s wife’s cousin (?) Karen, who is battling breast cancer and facing a double mastectomy.  Tin Cup’s uncle, who is battling various ailments but appears to be slowly improving.  Dufresne, MDufresne, and Dufresne 2.0’s.  May the Lord grant them all healing and peace during these difficult journeys.
