Beautiful morning. If you Fartsacked, you missed it, in more ways than several – too numerous to count. 18 showed for a special beatdown – just read on.

There were no FNG’s so we were off. First stop was the Bond Park rec center to warm-up: SSH, Imperial Squats, good mornings, mountain climbers – recover or not to recover, the Goose audit revealed the first of several YHC errors – 5 count low plank hold around the circle, followed by 10 burpee penalty due to YHC error. [Gloves are off]. YHC enjoys team sports and when one teammate errs, the rest of the team has to step up and be stronger. Thanks guys. Finished warm-up with Sir Fazio arm circles in a low squat hold to 15 each direction  Pax were now ready to move on as Burt seemed to feel the need to bust one and share with the pax [gloves are off].

Mosey down to amphitheater avoiding unseen obstacles on the way for some modified 11’s. Bear crawl to back of theater, 10 CDD’s, crabwalk back, 1 merkin, etc, all on a very unforgiving surface [gloves on]. My money is on Chocolate Shop buying gloves before his next workout. Pax broke into two groups. YHC’s group finished early and picked up the sixes with extra last lap. Teamwork

Low squat hold while sixes finished. Mosey to the shelter for a little pyramid. Pax needed Burt’s nightlight to navigate the woods, but YHC was impatient so just headed off through the trees and blazed a new trail. Pyramid of five total rounds from 5-10-15-10-5 with squat hold for sixes at the end. Each round consisted of jump ups, dips, and derkins.

When done head to Sertoma parking lot for Bull’s-eye 1-2-3.

  •  1 WWII, 2 hammers, 3 LBC’s;
  •  2 WWII, 4 hammers, 6 LBC’s;
  •  3 WWII, 6 hammers, 9 LBC’s;
  • 4 WWII, 8 hammers, 12 LBC’s;
  •  Well, that is how it was supposed to go, but YHC completely screwed up the count [gloves now completely off for all pax]. With a pax full of mumble chatter, YHC received the assistance of WONK on the counting and we were back on track. There seemed to be some urgency with the PAX, SABEN was counting down the seconds, audible called at round 8 and we headed for home. Several men sought the BLUE pill and wanted to take the easy road back, but YHC relished the red pill and headed through the woods again to head to the kiosk at the bottom of the hill. After some navigational snafu’s, more MC, Burt’s nightlight guided us once again.

    At the kiosk, AYG to top of hill then squat hold till sixes arrive, mosey to road fork then AYG back to the parking lot and circle up for COT.

    Krispy Kreme challenge signup is open. Several men are in. Ollie challenged the pax to double down with MURPH at Pullen before the KKC.

    Come out and support the pax in GRC next Saturday.

    Prayer concerns for Burt’s aunt, Callahan’s bro, and Banjo’s niece and all those that are suffering. There are quite a few men and their families in pain that need your thoughts and prayers.

    YHC took us out in prayer, asking for the strength and patience to listen and understand those in need.

    YHC thought he had a good plan today. That was the plan. But YHC erred, accepted the MC, took it on the chin, accepted the assistance of the pax, and moved forward.

    As it is in life, things happen that force us to make a change in our plans and to correct our course. And with these changes we move forward till we come to another crossroads. And then REPEATO. We do not stop what we are doing; we think about our goal, what we want to accomplish, pray for an answer and move forward. Sounds easy BUT it is not for many people that are suffering, at a crossroads and do not know how to find or make that next step forward. As men, husbands, fathers, friends, coworkers, ….  We do not always know when or where others are hurting. We need to have the patience to listen, to understand, to console, to be there for others.

    God, make me an instrument of thy peace.
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    Where there is injury, pardon;
    Where there is doubt, faith;
    Where there is despair, hope;
    Where there is darkness, light;
    Where there is sadness, joy.

    God, grant that I may not so much seek
    To be consoled as to console,
    To be understood as to understand,
    To be loved as to love;
    For it is in giving that we receive;
    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”