After a short moment of reflection, YHC decided it was time to shake up the Crick on another beautiful Carolina morning. Generally, we pay homage to the “normal” Crick spots– brick planters, the hill(s), basketball court, playground (no one has been arrested as of 6/11/2014) and bus loop.

11 PAX came, saw and conquered.

Off into the humid, damp landscape we went…

Warm-up: (IC)
Good Mornings x15
SSH x20
Burpees x5 OYO
Imperial Walkers x20
Plank Jacks x20
Merkins x15
Burpees x5 OYO

The Thang:

Part of this “shake up” was to stay very close to home base and utilize a few key distances on the lower soccer field… 100, 65 and 40 yards to be exact. With the help of his handy dandy white board, YHC depicted the “nine exercises of death” and sent the brave PAX into action.

*PAX were to complete 20 counts of each exercise, sprint 100 yards, and complete another 20 at the far line. Decrease reps and distance as we moved up in sets: 100/65/40 yds and 20/15/10 reps*

Air Squats & Merkins
Mountain Climbers & Plank Jacks
LBC’s & Jump Lunges
Wide Grip Merkins & Flutter Kicks
Freddy Mercs

Plank hold after all 9 exercises are completed, quick 20 count recover and repeat.


WWII’s x10
LBC’s (double time) x20
Reverse LBC x20
Poke the Hole x10
Russian Hammers (double time) x20


F2 at The Crick tonight! 8:00 pm, no drop run to Trali and back by 10 pm.
F2 at Tir Na Nog tomorrow, 5:30 to 8? Food provided.
Shaggy Challenge: Sign up! For those who generally frequent one or two posts, this challenge gives you a great opportunity to interact with other F3 brothers across the Triangle.

Great work by all 11 PAX today; especially our FNG Smokey. It’s nice to see The Crick become an FNG friendly mid-week post and to see those new PAX return to the pain-station week after week. As always, it was an honor to lead a great group of men through the gloom.