Walking up to Q the PAX of 26,YHC was glad to see Gnobby back in the gloom after a five months recovery from a shoulder injury.  Had a lot of fun naming an FNG today who’s first name is Paris.  We started with things about France we like – such as fun things invented by the French – such as things mentioned during Talladega Nights – such as things only seen during late night Cinemax.  Despite protests from Fudd, we moved to more innocuous thoughts and named him Croissant.

But that was at the end of the workout – here’s what we did for the first 45 minutes.

50 single count merkins
SSH x 25
Fazio arm circles – 15 each direction, 10 each direction, 5 each direction
Mountain Climbers x 25

Run up to parking lot at Lourdes and partner up
One partner goes to one end of parking lot and other partner stays at other end
Bear crawl until you meet in middle and do 10 partner high-five merkins
Crab walk until you meet with 10 partner high-five merkins
Broad jump until you meet with 10 partner high-five merkins
Lunge walk until you meet with 10 partner high-five merkins
Gorilla until you meet with 10 partner high-five merkins

Paint the line run on way down to terraced area within Lourdes

Partner 1 does terrace box jumps up the terrace x 4 while partner two does exercises on ground; flapjacking until each partner has done 3 sets of terrace box jumps for total of 12 rounds of box jumps
Exercises on ground included Hammers; LBCs; 40 star jumps each

Since everyone still in plank position we did something new here:
One-arm in chilcut position while you do one-arm merkins with other arm x 20 each arm

Head up to street and do partner run around Lourdes until you reach long staircase for stairbarrows; run back around shorter ramp and repeat stairbarrows

Circle up for Mary in parking deck (at which point we realized we had lost Mozart and Cheney and a search part was dispatched.  They were found and successfully returned to the Pax)
LBCs x 30
Single count merkins x 50

Great work by all.

Announcements included Healing Place / Arena workout today.

Prayer requests for Orwell and his family.

Gnobby took us out.

Great work by all today!