… that’s what she said.

26 Pax including FNGs Jump Seat, Body Guard* and Tube Sock

Disclaimer rendered, let’s warm up!
SSH x20
Imperial Walker x20
Windmills x20
Mountain Climbers x20

The thang:
Grab a partner for:
15 partner-clap Merkins
Ascend to top of parking deck backward up the stairs
Meet your partner at the top for
15 partner-clap Merkins
15 Reverpees
Back down to the bottom and Repeat

Down 1 flight, run across bridge, down to Crabtree Rd and up the next street, stopping for a few hand-release Merkins along the way
While partner runs partway down hill and back…
5 Jump lunges
5 LBCs
5 Carolina Dry Docks
Repeat x3

Continue up hill, then down back to McDonalds and back to the parking deck, stopping for some more hand-release Merkins

Ran out of time, so the last activity before COT was for Vector Victor to count to 5 with the pax running back to the start at “1” and Vector Victor sprinting past us all after 5.
Thus the title of this workout, “Four Seconds is not Enough.”

Arena this afternoon, Healing Transitions
9/11 Stair Climb at Carter-Finley stadium. Show up at 6:30, run at 7, done by 8, COT on the field after.

Prayer requests for CostCo and his family. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you, Brother.
Shout-out to Polaroid for pacing the group and to String Bean for giving the rest of us hope that someone might hold off Vector Victor!!!
Be well, gentlemen, it was a pleasure to lead…

*Name selection under protest and an official proclamation has been made that YHC is terrible at name assignment!