EC: Old Maid and YHC Banjo

Mosey to my rock pile by the tracks and grab a major EGO rock.
10 ct each, very slow: full arm extension curls, tricep extension,  toe touching wood choppers L/R.
Set rock aside
Frankenstein kicks the length of fence.
Return, looooow five count squat,  frog hop, repeat….to my rock pile.
Repeat above rock work.
Mosey back to flag poles closing with above Frankensteins and squat hops.

Pick up the pax,  wake Riptide from his slumber, Rib Asystole and Rip for missing EC, welcome back Yogi, Foo, CJ and Pony Boy, no FNGs and 8 pax are off.

Slow jog around police department with some side shuffle along the way and circle up over looking the reflecting pool (with new disc golf course) and warm up: SSH, Imp walker,  mountain climbers, low plank jacks,  good afternoons, recover.

Mosey to parking deck for the “Farkley 2.0″ (see NMS for disclaimer)
1. Three leg loop with 15 count exercise after each leg
2. Complete four legs then reverse direction. 4 repeats
3. Leg one; Round 1-merkins, Round 2-ascending testicles,  Round 3-CDD, repeat on successive rounds
4. Leg two;  Round 1-monkey humpers, Round 2-jump lunges  Round 3-squat jumps, repeat on successive rounds
5. Leg three; Round 1-hammers, Round 2-heels to heaven,   Round 3-WWII, repeat on successive rounds

Five rounds completed?

Asystole’s job is calling and he is off.

Below 90 degree squat pulses while YHC explains to several of the newer pax the Mary Speed round approaching.

Mosey to Flag poles for COT.

Mary: 6” leg hold. Freddy Mercury,  Box Cutters. One legged Homer to Marge. Scissor kicks.  Slutters. and V-ups

Announcements: Carpex Christmas Party Thursday December 15, 6:30 @ Mellow Mushroom;
Raleigh F3 Christmas Party Tuesday December 19 @ 6:30 Little Brewong Company;
Thanksgiving BO and Black Friday DZ from 7-8:00;
Saturday New Year’s Eve CARPExDIEM and Churham convergence at “Thin Blue Line” – Quad Q

Praises for a beautiful day

Prayer concerns to Khakis friend that recently lost wife and unborn child,  Loom and family.

YHC took us out in prayer, asking for strength to listen, understand, and reflect and lead with wisdom.

Farkley 2.0 is a takeoff of the “Barkley 2.0” YHC recently completed @F3Knoxville. No yellow gates. No Ultra Marathon.  No wooded terrain. No 3 Laps. No compass needed. No wooded trails. Just a bunch of smoke and mirrors.

Good to see the new men returning. 1/2 the pax are all Rush Hour recruits. This thing may just work.

Riptide arrives in time for EC and proceeds to fartsack the EC. Stammering something about conference call.

Old Maid arrives on two wheels for EC, jumps out of car, pulls off pants, laces up his boots and is ready. Dude wore his shorts under his suit pants-all day at work. Short and tight with his Nature Boy starter kit.

Yogi is such an inspiration. Always on top with the best attitude.

You would never guess it but Pony Boy has perfect V-up form.