32 PAX came out for a Dunphy-Burt sucker punch on a beautiful Wednesday morning in Chapel Thrill.  Burt was in full effect with the Ronald Reagan in ‘Merican flag headband tank.

Dunphy calls it and off we take to the upper church lot…arms up fellas.

Brief intro:  “F3 Chapel Hill this is Burt!”  “Burt this is F3 Chapel Hill”  Aye.

Warm up:  SSH, IWs, MCs, WMH, 10 Burpees OYO

Run to Fetzer Intramural Fields

Inspired by Dunphy’s pending move to the Star City of the South, Burt implements a VT themed Death Star.  5 stations:  20 LBCs, 20 Plank Jacks, 20 Merkins, 10 Burpees, 20 Sumo Squats.  Teams of 6 bear crawl to their respective first stations, perform exercise and run back to middle.  Dealers choice in the middle until everyone is back.  Rotate clockwise.  Each team of 6 gets a rotation and a half around the Death Star.

Run back to OEC and down to the bottom bottom (not the bottom, the bottom bottom).

Run to first gate, traveling burpees to start of rail, run to top gate.  Plank it out.

Back to bottom-bottom for Mary

Heels to Heaven, ‘Merican Hammers, Plank Hold around the horn on a 5 count.

Run to top of big hill.


Thanks to everyone that came out today and/or wrote me inspiring emails about their F3 experience and the small role I may have played in that.  I will repeat here what I told many of you by email.  The decision to leave Chapel Hill, my job and the band of brothers of F3 Chapel Hill was the hardest of my life.  F3 was a serious topic of conversation during our decision making process.  Ultimately I decided that despite how much I’ll miss seeing your ugly mugs in the gloom, that I can take F3 with me and hopefully give it to men who need it as much or more than I did (and didn’t know it).  That’s the plan (#F3Roanoke).  Fellas, your strength, resilience and enthusiasm has fueled me beyond my imagination this last year and a half.  I thank you.

See you soon.