At 5:45 the temperature stood at 18 degrees…calls were made the night before for some boxers only polar bear action, but no PAX were up for the challenge. The PAX had to keep moving this morning to stay warm. YHC was handed a ‘special package’ this morning by the PAX of F3 South Wake. I am so thankful for this group of men!



Jog around the parking lot.

SSH x25

Imperial Walkers x20

Good Mornings x15

Burpees x5



‘Cold Conditioning’

The 10 PAX broke into two groups…1 group ran up and down the hill three times while group 2 completed AMRAP squats. Then flip-flop. Round 2 consisted of Merkins. Round 3 consisted of WWII’s and coming up the hill backwards.


Repeat the cycle two times.


‘Tabata Tango’

The PAX partner up (so they can share a cinder block) and complete multiple rounds of Tabata. Each round consists of two exercises that the partners rotate to complete…

Cinder Swing/Derkins

Cinder Press/Squat Jump

Cinder Curls/High Knees

Cinder Dip/Jump Lunge



Freddy Mercury x25 with a hold every 5 reps

Sally Squats



Prayers for all and thankful for such a strong group of men! Recovery for some of the PAX family and the PAX themselves. The upcoming birth of Micah and for Yosef’s M through the process. YHC took us out.