11 Pax in the darkness…off we go. King David arrives disguised as FNG Bruce Bigelow.
What we had there was a 2-man team rotation among six stations…shortened up the rounds a bit to 1:30 with the instruction to the Pax to run as fast as you possibly can. Mind you, the sprint from the Kettle bells to the Cinder blocks was 4.39 feet but the heart rate stayed elevated.
Here’s what we had:
Station 1: Cinder block special–shoulder raises X 5 followed by shoulder presses X 5. Rinse. Wash. Repeat.
Station 2: Dead hang pull ups X 3, alternate for entire time period
Station 3: Pablo Escobars/Ab Wheel of Death. Flapjack. Note: the Federales are clamping down. We had to run El Jefe in through the Keys…
Station 4: Medecine Ball hill climb. Ascend hill with medicine ball. Descend. Do it again. Both of you.
Station 5: Singe leg squats. Mucho.
Station 6: 35 lbs and 50 lbs Kettlebells: DCPs and Swings. Do a lot.
Jailbreak (see below)
* First things first, somehow in all of the excitement, I missed entirely that Munson windsprinted directly into the chain link backstop dating to the Truman administration. As it was relayed to me, Munson went full bore into the fence. What I am talking about is getting hit mid-stride from the blindside with Michael Oher being played by a 12 foot chain link fence anchored in 4 feet of concrete. Early reports are that he was not chasing a fly ball. Due honors to Bump Bailey…Munson, you are a warrior. Best part of story is King David is involved as a co-worker. Surely someone at Big Law Firm USA was not surprised to learn that King David (Brian) was involved when Munson (Doug) reported that Munson (Doug) had split open his face before 630 in the morning. #Figures. #Countmeout #Treadmillthankyouverymuch
*We had a pretty good tempo today. There was an opening to run one more through the rotation. Which was nice. At the end of all of that, YHC called for a simple “Hey, fellas, pick up the equipment you’re using…” My plan was to hoodwink the sensible citizens who thought they were just cleaning up by calling for Day No. 1 of Roanoke Park Evacuation Drills. The pax, the 2 kettlebells, the 2 cinder blocks, the 2 medicine balls and a 50 lbs sack of playground sand masquerading as a deceased Colombian Drug kingpin went for a jog. We cleared the area faster than Bethany and the Nitroglycerin truck. Down the park to the gas station that does not sell gas. Back up the big hill and full bore, around to our starting point. It was a little off-balance coupon training to keep the blades sharp.
*Tclaps to our man in the mold of David Redding: Chewy. Out of the Army last week. Into the law school next summer. Training for GoRuck in May in Cap City. As a little testament to what this feller’s made of, he posted for the Tuesday run last Tuesday at Lake Johnson. That run was cancelled 8 weeks ago. He posted. No one else did. Rather than escaping and evading to Biscuitville to debate link versus patty sausage with Wendell Gee, Chewy pulled a Han Solo and posted himself. The whole run. Thunder claps I say. Thunder claps.
*King David drove his wife’s car this morning and threw all of us (or just me) for a loop when he showed up in the gloom. I guess I just can’t avoid equating KD with his usual mini-cooper.
That is all.