Early morning, YHC couldn’t sleep. YHC filled in for Costco and I was ready. The PAX found that you can still Q if your not the first one done with all the exercises. Well 7am rolls around and disclaimer was given. Tin Man aka Kotters was unsure if he qualified as a FNG or not..haha, good thing he remembered his name. And we are off.

Run down to the track and circle up on the Basketball court.


  • SSI IC x 20
  • Mountain Climbers IC x 10
  • Good Mornings IC x15
  • Standard Merkins IC x10

Run over to track: BURPEE MILE

  • Do 12 Burpees OYO
  • Run 1/4 Mile (1 lap)
  • Repeat 4x

Circle up on the Basketball court again;

  • LBCs IC x 20
  • Reverse LBCs x 20

Partner up with one odd group of three and run to parking lot and line up.

  • P1 Bear Crawls to island up ahead. 30-40 yards
  • P2 AMRAP Squat Jumps
  • Flap Jack; Squat hold when done.

Run over to the circular First Citizens bank.

  • P1 Runs the loop around the bank; P2 does AMRAP exercises. Flap jack. (Diamond, wide-grip, standard merkins, and Star Jumps)
  • Some Mary to recover.

Group runs to the parking deck beside First Citizens to the bottom level.

  • Run up ramps.
  • 10x High Five Partner Merkins at top of each ramp. (Reps increased by 10x and each ramp. 10x, 20x, 30x, and at top 40x)
  • Partner Carry the flats, switch as needed.

Recover in peoples chair on the half wall. Person on end bear crawls to the other end of the line of PAX currently doing peoples chair and so forth until the whole line of PAX was completed.

PAX run down the parking deck going down the same way we came up and line up facing the SF. Partner carry all the way back to the SF, switch as needed. First group back start with Mary.

YHC got back to SF and no one was doing Mary like YHC requested so we did 10 Burpees OYO. That seemed equal to me.


  • 20x LBC
  • 1:30 min of WWII sit ups.

Thats all folks.


  • 9/11 Stair climb

Prayer Request:

  • YHC’s sister
  • BRR runners

YHC took us out.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead such great men.