The rain held off, so an even 20 Pax brought the storm to the Bastille. Strong effort by all, and no sleeping residents disturbed (that we know of).

Warm Up: 

SSH, arm circles, AC-reverse, imperial walker

The Thang:

* Run to the road, walking lunges for 50 yards

* Run up into the village, dips x20

* Run into the parking lot, bear crawl the full length up

* Run to the top of the village, then down the hill

* Sprint up hill, merkins x10, plank, run back down

* Sprint up hill, merkins x10, peter parker x10, plank, run back down

* Sprint up hill, merkins x10, peter parker x10, parker peter x10, plank, run back down

* Sprint up hill, merkins x10, peter parker x10, parker peter x10, plank jacks x10, plank

* Run to parking deck, split up into dual groups: duo on pullups x10 while the rest do an exercise then rotate (merkin, air squat, wide grip merkin, prisoner squat, WWII)

* Run down into the village, dips x20

* Run down to the road, walking lunges for 25 yards

* Sprint back to the starting point


LBC x20

Russian hammer x20

Burpees x10

Extra credit pullups were had by those that wanted and/or needed them.

Adolphus reminded that early voting is underway in N.C.

Marky Mark