A few of the South Wake PAX have been recuperating from their Go Ruck adventures this weekend. I am sure more of our PAX will jump on board in the future to experience this event. In honor of them carrying that extra weight all over Durham, YHC decided to let everyone have a Block Buddy today (cinder block). We survived with only casualty. FYI…35 degree weather equals fragile cinder blocks.



Jog around parking lot

SSH x20

Butt Kickers x20

Good Mornings x20



Everyone grab your Block Buddy. He will be your partner for the day!

‘Man Makers’

Irkin on your Block Buddy, Left/Right Lat Pull, Squat and Shoulder Press with your Block Buddy = 1

Complete x10


‘Buddy Carry’

10 cones are placed about 30 feet apart all the way across the parking lot.

Carry your Block Buddy while running to the last cone; complete 10 Irkins on your Block Buddy; Carry your Block Buddy while running to the beginning; complete 10 squats with your Block Buddy.

Head to the 9th cone and complete 9; 8th cone and complete 8; so on and so on.


‘Wall Work’

PAX headed over to the wall carrying their Block Buddies for some called exercises…

Balls to the Wall x30

Peoples Chair with Block Buddy x a long time


‘Around the Block’

Walk over to the hill holding your Block Buddy over your head and complete overhead presses until you arrive at the hill.

Run down and then back up backwards. At the top complete 1 Irkin on each side of your Block Buddy. One revolution around equals 1. Complete 3, then 2, then 1.


‘Shelter Tabata’

Two rounds of Tabata. First set is Cinder Curls/Step Ups. Second set is Dips with Block Buddy/Squats with Block Buddy.



None today



Prayers for our brothers in recovery and for those in search of or starting new jobs!