Man Down!  We were a slim 5 men this morning with a few men down, and the rest hitting Snooze b/c the temperature wasn’t in their 65-72F wheelhouse.  Finish strong this week, men!

Warm Up lap around the courts and down to the lighted area.                                                                 25 Side Straddle Hop, 25 Imperial Walkers, 20 Good Morning, Arm Circles, Shoulder stretch, Downward Dog, Pigeon stretch both sides, Downward Dog, Runners Stretch both sides, 20 ‘Mericans

Jog to the bottom of the hill past the playground to get the most out of the incline on the hill.  5 Rounds of Sprints approximately 100yd dash up the hill.

Sprint up – jog back – 50 squats                                                                                                           Sprint up – jog back – 40 Mountain climbers                                                                                          Sprint up – jog back – 30 ‘Mericans                                                                                                       Sprint up – jog back – 20 deep squats on the fence                                                                                 Sprint up – jog back – 10 Dry Docks

Sprint up – jog to the tennis courts
Bear Crawl across all 4 courts
Lunge walk back over 2 courts
Balls to the wall 30 count
Tricep press up (lying on side, place hand flat in front of chest and press yourself up) 10Xboth sides

25 low slow flutter
30 LBC
20 Windshield wipers
Side Plank L/R
Chill Cut Plank for the finish