9 PAX came out for YHC’s return to Kenny’s Grave after two weeks in Cow Country. Timbers laid astray, ready to be assembled into a new pavilion for the PAX to use come fall. The splash pad is now fully operational, although not accessible at 5:45 a.m. The PAX of South Wake continue to push each other and grow stronger, especially with a few preparing for The Ruck. Two came out for EC; 1 for Ruck and 1 for a run. We had 2 on IR, who are still forging ahead in The Gloom. We were happy to have a visitor from F3 Charleston – The Natural. We hope to see him more in the future.



Run around the track and over to the parking lot

SSH x20

Imperial Walkers x15

Good Mornings x7

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x7 forward x5 backward (just to mess with New Mexico who questioned my cadence count on the good mornings)



‘Bear Crawl Circuit’

Cones are set up every 10 yards (40 max). PAX will Bear Crawl to the 40 yard cone and then Backwards Bear Crawl back to the beginning (80 yards total). Then complete a set of 50 exercises…

Squat x20

Merkin x15 – slow 3 count down

Lunge x10

Burpee x5

Repeat for 30, 20 and 10 yards


‘Running Circuit’

The PAX head over to the track to complete one fast paced lap (a little over ¼ mile) and then complete given exercises…

Single Let Squat x10 Each Leg

Dips x 15

Step Up x 20

Balls to the Wall x10 – then hold as long as you can

Run another lap around the track



At this time, YHC had to check out early and I’m sure New Mexico provided ample ab crushing exercises for the PAX.