After Saturdays workout Vanderbeek  asked YHC to step in due to his ailment. Feeling a bit uncertain that I could lead men and throw down the pain the likes of Vanderbeek! Well OK, Lets do this!

Kickstarter stated out as a Ruck friendly work out. over time said rucks have been dropped due to the pain they caused the carrier. YHC thought it would be fun to bring the Ruck pain to everyone.

The Thang:

Indian run taking the ruck on and off. Man in back takes Ruck off-puts it on man in front of him and runs to the front of the line. two laps around the parking lot. It wasn’t the most efficient Indian run I have ever lead, but an Indian run with Rucks non the less.

To the lower field for a little warm up

25 SSH/ 20 Sir Fazio arm circles/ 15 Good mornings/ 15 wind mills/ 15 Squats and 15 Sumo Squats

Follow me to the circle. Partner up. P1 runs the circle P2 LBC’s 1st lap, Freddy Mercury’s 2nd and Homer to Marge 3rd Lap.

Now comes the fun part! Run back to the Rucks and walk down pass the Rock pile. Those who do not have a Ruck please grab a nice size rock and follow me to the back field.

After lining up in a single file line our job was to simply travel about 60 yards to the goal post.

Rucks/Rocks must stay in the hands all time and you can’t stand up. Start in a plank,Ruck/Rock Merkins (as many as YHC called) rolling over to High knee Ruck/ Rock press.( same rule applies). I am not fully aware of how many of each we did? 100’s would be a good guess. But the fun has just begun.Please circle up and lay your Ruck/Rock in front of you.

Most of the time just the word Burpee makes you cringe. So lets do Ruck/Rock assisted Burpees! Holding the Ruck/Rock in hand, go down -go out-jump up and lift! 10 times OYO. rest for a bit with a few LBC’s Repeato a few times until we don’t like Rucks or Rocks anymore. Good job men!

Jog back to to replaces the rocks, run up the hill and into the parking lot for a little COT.

YHC reminded all the PAX that F3 is not just Fitness. We are here for each other and here to do what God has intended. Thank you all for letting it out for me. It is truly my honor to be around such good men. Spurrier.