So, I went through a Q rut for a couple’a months. I had been signing up regularly and doing backblasts consistently for most of the last year. But late into winter, I just fell off. Which brings me to today. Today marked the last scheduled Q I have in the “round” of signing up> I usually go through the AOs and sign up with complete disregard of the calendar(which is why you may see me Qing 3 times a week sometimes. ‘Cause I’m an idiot and I ignore things like calendars. With this latest round of Qs, I #fartsacked on every backblast. Terrible and irresponsible I know. But it got to a point where I thought it was kind of funny, so I just kept on running with it. Today is different. For some reason, maybe because I don’t want to get ay shit from Epoxy, I feel moved to write.

I drove into the parking lot at Pullen blasting the soundcheck from the Dead’s set at Watkins Glen Raceway in ’73. If you have 26-27 minutes to waste one day, it is an awesome way to spend that time. Highly recommended. The Grateful Dead and REM have been the catalysts through which my love for music has expanded. My love for blues, jazz, bluegrass, songwriting, country music can be traced back to them because of their utilization of all those elements in the music they played. I’ve always loved the song Wharf Rat. It’s a mellow tune with superb songwriting from Robert Hunter. One verse in particular stood out for me in some reflecting I did today on my almost 2 years in the gloom.

I’ll get back on my feet someday
The Good Lord willin’, if he says I may.
I know that the life I’m livin’s no good,
I’ll get a new start, live the life I should.
I’ll get up and fly away, I’ll get up and fly away,
Fly away…

Before I started coming to F3 I was a mess. I was ironically, at least what I thought anyway, in the gloom. Not a lot of guy friends, beautiful-smart-loving wife, beautiful daughter, but there was something(a lot) missing from my life. I’m not the most outgoing person in the world. Making friends isn’t easy for me. But something happened the Monday after Labor Day, 2013. I entered the real gloom. Which in fact was an awakening. An awakening to what I wanted my life to be or become. I met men like me. And that was enough. That was enough to keep me coming back. And I have been, on days when I’m super pumped to get up, and days when I’m not. Thanks to all of you who keep me coming back. It’s a debt I can never repay.

I digress, because we did have a workout this morning. A little improv on the fly due to high turnout, but it was fun nonetheless. Kettlebells courtesy of Joule. Aye!

There was so much chatter this morning I think the pax were talking to themselves on their way to Pullen. I had to take off running to get anyone to pay attention. Aye, follow me around the parking lot and into the park. Circle up in front of the ticket window.

10 merkins
15 good mornings
10 merkins
15 imperial walkers

Count off, odds 1 line, evens in another. kettlebell for each. Indian Run to Hillsborough St and back. For some this concept seemed difficult. Pass the KB down the line. When it reaches the back, that pax runs it up to the front. Repeato. Simple, but either we have some knuckleheads or smartasses. Or both.

Run to the grass area in front of the stage for tabata. 40 seconds on, 20 plank. kettlebells are passed amongst the pax for sings in lieu of called exercise. Sprint around the lake, bear crawl the bridges.

Round 1
Plyo merkin
Squat jump
Spider man merkin
Alt lunge jump
Lake lap

Round 2
Wide grip merkin
American Hammer
Lake lap

Divide back up odds/evens. Odds on 1 side of grass, evens on the other for a burpee race. 1st team with all pax to 10 burpees wins. They get to watch losers do 10 burpees. Q lies like a dog though. Got through 10, all pax do 10 more. And 10 more.

Box Cutter
Plankorama – Plank to squat, low plank hold, Mahktar Ndyiae


Labor Day workouts at Gideon, Zero Hour, and Carroll Middle.
Healing Place this Friday. Meet at Pullen @ 2 or HP at 2:30.

Orwell took us out ever so eloquently. Thank you.