13 PAX (not including Appolonia) came out for another installment of HiFidelity. We found our gears. Namely speed gear (R pace) and cruise gear (T pace). After a couple of standard warm up laps with accelerations and butt-kickers, we continued to warm up (SSH x 20, Good Mornings x 20, Windmills x 20).
1000M at T pace. Jog 200M.
200M at R pace. Jog 200M. Repeat x 3
1000M at T pace. Jog 200M.
200M at R pace. Jog 200M. Repeat x 3.
1000M at T pace.
COT. Post-workout discussion of potential name change for certain member of the PAX. Hilarity ensued. Prince references. I wouldn’t want to play Sunshine in Trivial Pursuit.