A record 39 PAX descended on Fetzer Field Monday AM for a dual beatdown courtesy Blindside and YHC.

After a warmup of SSH, IW, windmills, prisoner squats, merkins and Carolina dry docks, Blindside escorted approximately two-thirds of the group on an excursion around campus that included:

* 60 yard bear crawl up incline;

* Run 200 yards;

* Traveling Burpees 80 yards uphill;

* Run 200 uphill;

* 20 merkins / 20 prisoner squats in front of ROTC building to pay respects to OLD GLORY;

* Run 150 yards;

* 2 sets of 30 dips;

* Run 300 yards;

* 2 rounds of intervals of incline ski abs / wall jumps;

* Run half mile back to Fetzer.

Meanwhile, the Heavy Metal group each took a Kettlebell or dumb bell in the 20 to 40 pound range and circled up for circuit comprised of:

* 20 kettlebell swings or 10 each arm one-arm swings;

* 20 reverse lunge-pass-thrus;

* 20 renegade rows;

* 20 figure-eights with a twist;

* 10 each side lying down, one-arm press and sit-ups;

* 10 each side kneeling shoulder presses;

* 20 goblet squats.

We did three and a half circuits and then were rejoined by the running group for a quick Mary of LBCs, Freddie Mercurys, Heels-to-Heavens, long-slow flutters, low-plank holds (30 seconds) and Parker Peters.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Ricky Bobby, whose sister-in-law has recently entered a facility for the care of Alzheimers.

“To honor my brother and his wife, in addition to prayer, please surprise your wife, girlfriend, partner, children, etc. with some show of love in my sister-in-law’s honor,” Ricky Bobby requested.

No sooner said than done. Godspeed to all.