16 men awoke to a perfect day, and said to themselves, carpex diem. Carpex Diem, indeed. Can we even call a morning like this the gloom? With YHC at the Q, you bet your ass we can. Giddy up!

Warmup: Jog>Karaoke>Jog>Backwards Run>Jog>Bear Crawl>Jog>SSH>MCs>Super Slow Merkins (Plank>SIH>Plank>Repeat x3)

Thang: Jog>75% Run to Playgorund, 20 pullups>Gorilla Walk>10 pullups>Gorilla Walk>5 Pullups>LBCs>Gorilla Walk, 20 Dips>10 Derkins>10 Dips>5 Derkins>5 Dips (all IC), Jog to Parking Lot, 80% 100 yard dash>Freddie Mercuries, Repeat x 2, Recovery Jog, Lightpost Burpees (5 at each post) x 5, Recovery Jog, 100 yard bear crawl, Billy Run, Mary

Prayers to Banjo and his family for the loss of Banjo’s uncle, continued prayers for Ollie’s dad, prayers for Bartman’s mom as she recovers from surgery and to Bartman’s family, prayers to Saban and he starts F3 Johannesburg.