Some Qs have favorite things they like to do.  Possum Trot site Q leads a great beat down and has his favorites which leave me panting and sore.  I thought for one week we could change it up and I’d leave him panting with stuff we usually don’t do.

It was perfect weather for a workout, low 60s and low humidity.  New Mexico, Yosef and Lipton had gone for a little extra credit pre-workout run.  They finished their 3+miles with just a minute to spare.   Tardy, of course, came blazing in when we were well into the warm up exercises.  Over all, it was a great day for some pain.


Warm Up with our standard lap around the tennis court area.
Side Straddle Hops x 26
Imperial Walkers x 25
Mountain Climbers x 25

Step over to the Hill for the Stopwatch
Stopwatch with 5 merkins regular then 5 diamonds counter-clockwise
Grab some pavers for Fazio Arm Circles x 15 x15

Run a lap
11s on the hill with squats at the top and tuck jumps on the bottom. Bear up and down the hill.

Run a lap
Man Makers with pavers x 10
Halleluiahs with pavers x 7


LBC with 5 count holds on the 5s
Heels to Heaven x 25
Windshield Wipers x 20


Prayer Concerns for Yosef’s neighbor: Husband and father of young children died of cancer.  Peak Weeks coworker with cancer.  And a family member with cancer.


I’ve put Lipton on the list as those present although he wasn’t in the workout, He did do the extra credit – which gives him a passing grade.  Strong work done by all.  Shoulders seems to be the theme of the week.  I continue to be blessed by the presence of these men and the bonds of brotherhood we have.  Solid work done by all.  Thank you once again for the opportunity to lead.