
John Bohnam. The 70s.

(Thanks to Gnobby for the borrowed login till I get post clearance.)

A maiden Q for the humble Friar at the True Grit site was a daunting assignment, but inspiration emerged from an unusual source. From the archives of rock history:

Setting up John Bonham’s enormous kit in the hallway beneath a 3-story staircase produced the crushing intro and gut-punch drum reverb for the Led Zep song, When The Levee Breaks. The song was actually a cover of an American blues song about the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927.

These are not just interesting facts. For this episode of True Grit, the Pax felt the crushing gut punch of both sides of the Shelley Lake Levee (i.e., dam). And the gushing rains that drenched the Levee’s hillsides produced a flooded gloom that led to True Grit blues.

When The Levee Breaks You.

The Thang:

Leave the parking lot and run to the trail at the top of the levee/dam.

Jacob’s Double Ladder:

Descend lakeside hill, x20 irkins at bottom, ascend

Descend to parking lot hillside, hop the fence,  x20 burpees, hop the fence, ascend

> repeat both sides x6


Misty Mountain Hops:

Haul a rock up to the path on top of the dam.

x50 mogul side hops (side to side like snow skiing)

x20 curls

x50 mini step ups

x15 tri curls

x30 mogul front hops

x20 shoulder press

Return rocks to the bottom of the hill.


Uphill Bear Crawl / downhill Bear Crawl

x16 Balls to the Wall on the fence


Uphill Bear Crawl / Downhill Backward Bear Crawl (thanks Johnny Utah)

x16 Balls to the Wall on the fence

Climb the hill. Run to the field for Mary.


1 min Russian Hammer burnout

1 min LBC burnout

Freddie Mercs x25



• Announcements – New workouts everywhere.

Urban Jungle starts tomorrow; Holly/Willow Springs/Apex workout starting

• Verse – Psalm 121:2 “My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.”

• Gnobby closed