Sometime in late 2012, the Raleigh PAX cranked up its first Monday workout at Raleigh’s North Hills Park.  Nine months and forty trips up Sisyphus later, the time came to open another Monday morning pain fest in North Carolina’s Capital City.  But on 8/12/13, for one last time, North Hills was the only show in town.


1/2 mile activity jog featuring: 20 merkins, jog, high knees, butt kickers, karaoka, 20 merkins, run up the hill, jog, 20 merkins, backwards run, bear crawl down the big hill, jog to the parking lot.

SSH x 30, merkins x 20, imperial walkers x 20, good mornings x 20, windmills x 16.

Jog to baseball field for partner runs and exercises:

Get a partner.  Stand in right field corner.  Partner 1, spring to left field corner and back while partner 2 does continuous exercise, flapjack.  Keep moving through five trips and five exercises.  Exercises included: squats, heels to heaven, balls to the wall, carolina dry docks, side chilcut plank.

jog to playground.  everybody knock out 20 pull ups, 50 dips, 50 single leg squats.

jog to the bottom of Sisyphus.  Four cones spread equidistant up the banks of Sisyphus.  Run up Sisyphus until you reach the first cone, do five burpees, then backpedal to the next cone, do five burpees, run forward to next cone, five burpees, backpedal to next cone and so forth until you reach the peak.

jog to parking lot entrance, COT.


  • An emotional moment for all at COT as Maize – the original North Hills Q – presents the new Zero Hour shovel flag freshly adorned with F3 sticker and prominent Zero Hour lettering to TARP – the originating Q of Zero Hour.
  • Zero Hour commences Monday, 8/19 at 5:45 am at Jaycee Park.
  • North Hills continues as scheduled Monday, 8/19 at 5:45 am.
  • Labor Day convergence 9/2 at Zero Hour.  No North Hills workout on 9/2.  I’m assuming 7:00 am start for the convergence but I don’t know that for sure.  Somebody else probably knows.
  • Don’t forget to clear your schedule now for The Mule, Oct. 5, 6:00 am – 10:00 am appx.