Eight PAX braved the rain for a wet workout at the Vortex.

After the normal warm-up, we split into two groups of four for round one.  Half ran a brisk 800, while half did 40 box jumps, 40 dry docks, and 40 (cadence-count) dips.  The group finishing first did SSHs until both groups had finished–and then switched.

Were there not so many fartsackers, the next sequence would have looked different (something for later!).  As it was, we split into new teams of four and lined up on the midfield and the eighteen, with seven tennis balls on each line.  Over six minutes, we bear crawled to the opposing team’s line, picked up a ball, and bunny hopped back to our own line as many times as we could.  The team with the most balls on their line at the end of the time won.  Victor and vanquished had equal reward: 15 double-merkin burpees.  Then we repeated the game and burpees.  Then we repeated them again.

Bushwood again did his best to make Mary intolerable, with 60 low, fast flutters.  What a great group of guys!