Ever since starting F3 almost two years ago, I have held Ball Bearings in a special regard. There was just always a high level intensity, regardless of who was Q’ing. i had never Q’d Ball Bearings before, and have always wanted to, yet when I got the call-up from Chong, I was little nervous about making sure I could keep the tradition going of  living  up to the intensity. However when I got there that morning, there was already a big crowd with high levels of mumble chatter and ready for action, which got me super pumped and ready to go. So here’s what we did:

Slight warm up jog up the hill and back down to the baseball field for a little:


SSHx25; Mountain Climbers x 15; Merkins x 10; Imperial Walkers x 10; Good Mornings x 10; then…


Everybody on the line for 10 rounds of “custom” Tysons, where we run to bottom of the hill, do an exercise, then run to the top of the hill for the a repeat of that exercise, and run back to the starting line for a call out exercise in cadence:

Round 1: 5 burpees bottom of the hill, 5 burpees top of the hill, followed by 10 moving merkins in cadence

Round 2: 4 burpees bottom of the hill, 4 burpees top of the hill, followed by 10 mak-tar-Ji’s in cadence

Round 3: 3 burpees bottom of the hill, 3 burpees top of the hill, followed by 10 Carolina Dry Docks in cadence

Round 4: 2 burpees bottom of the hill, 2 burpees top of the hill, followed by 10 Diamond Merkins in cadence

Round 5: 1 burpees bottom of the hill, 1 burpees top of the hill, followed by 10 Mak-Tar -Jis in cadence

Round 6: 5 Gorilla Jumps bottom of the hill, 5 Gorilla Jumps top of the hill, followed by 10 Wide Grip Merkins in cadence

Round 7: 4 Gorilla Jumps bottom of the hill, 4 Gorilla Jumps top of the hill, followed by 20 V ups

Round 8: 3 Gorilla Jumps bottom of the hill, 3 Gorilla Jumps top of the hill, followed by 10 Merkins in cadence

Round 9: 2 Gorilla Jumps bottom of the hill, 2 Gorilla Jumps top of the hill, followed by 10 ski abs in cadence

Round 10: 1 Gorilla Jump bottom of the hill, 1 Gorilla Jump top of the hill, followed by 10 Mak-Tar-Ji’s in cadence

then: 5 minute AMRAP – 10 merkins; 10 WWII situps, 10 prisoners squats

Then: Partner carries, switch off at midfield with each partner doing 15 partner plank merkins, and then run back; REPEATO

Then: bear crawl mid field, 10 star jumps, bear crawl back, then American Hammers x 15

repeato but with only 5 star jumps


Crunches x 15

Box Cutters x 15

Naked Moleskin:

Welcome 4 FNGs: Ace & Garry (Yes, from SNL), Danny Tanner (of Full House Fame), and Emoji

Lots of mumblechatter on this workout. Myrtle is still in mourning from Ms. Hose shutting down the Thursday morning basement parties, but he did “volunteer” to take us out.

Always an honor