YHC just turned over the odometer and what better way to celebrate than Q’ing the good folks at Juggernaut. One FNG debriefed and we’re off.

Warmup: Run around the parking lot and circle up.
Good mornings x 15
Imperial walkers x 15
Side shuffle hops x 15
Merkins x 15
Mountain climbers x 15
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 15

The Thang:
Run to the first baseball field. Bear crawl to first, run to the right field fence and back. Crab walk to second run to the center field fence and back. Bear crawl to third, run to the left field fence and back. Crab walk home, plank it out.

Run to the second baseball field. Line up against the backstop, balls-to-the-wall 10 count down the line. Run to the outfield fence. Line up for peoples chair. 10 count down the line, drop 6″ 10 count down the line. Run back the back stop, balls-to-the-wall 10 count down the line.

Indian run down the trail to Baileywick road, u-turn and back up to the rock pile. Grab a rock lunch of the gravel road to the soccer/football field. Curls and Overhead presses along the way.

Line up on the knees, hurl your rock, bear crawl to it, 5 merkins, repeato until you cross the field. Plank it out.

Circle up to work on the rocks.
Bicep curl x10
Tricep extension x10
Overhead press x10
Bent over row x10

Run back to the rock pile, drop your rock and run back to the picnic shelter.
Irkins x 10
Dips x 10
Left/right step up x 20

Back to the parking lot, circle up for Mary.
LBCs x 20
Low slow flutter kicks x 20
Homer to marge x 20
Seated Sir Fazio arm circles x 20
Merican’ Hammers x 20

Announcements: Convergence Monday Memorial Day. Sign up for Go-Ruck in Oct.
Prayers for Bi-Lo’s Mother and Holiday Travel.
Dial Tone prayed us out.

Always a pleasure to lead these gentlemen.

God Bless My Friend,
Bob Ross