What a great start to the new year in #SouthWake.  Many of the Southwake Pax have had strong showings since the new year with several new faces. M4L even had custom made 5 pack hats custom made for two of the PAX, Stark (10 pack) and Kid Cracker. A late message was sent out to the group that a Swamp Donkey Clown Car would be rolling in to Cletus filled with odd items.  This may have caused excitement as we had the strongest showing of the week with 19 eager PAX ready to get after it. With several of the PAX coming strong all week,  the YHC decided to synergize with Peak Week to collect yard tools around the garage to mix things up for Cletus.


  • Swift run out of the parking lot and to the lighted pavillion
  • Fast IPW X15, Fast Hillbilly IPW X15
  • Box Jumps X20
  • Fazio Arm Circles X30
  • Mountain Climbers X20
  • Jog down to the parking lot rock pile to collect rocks and load into an empty wheelbarrow

The Thang

The YHC had set up 5 stations prior to the fun starting.  The PAX counted off by 5’s and assembled at one of the five stations.  2 Pax at each station did one of the two activities while the other 2 PAX either carried a ladder, wheeled a rockbarrow, ran off to do box jumps or jumped rope.  Once all 4 PAX completed the station they assumed the plank hold until all PAX were complete.  Rotate to the next station until complete and you get the idea.

  • Station 1: two 36lb dumbbells for tricep extensions PLUS a 9ft step ladder for overhead partner carry down the length of the parking lot (about 80 yards) and back
  • Station 2: two ruck sacks with 30lb weights for squat swings PLUS wheelbarrow full of heavy rocks for partner carry on each handle the length of the parking lot and back
  • Station 3: 8 gallon bucket full of heavy rocks and a hoe used to help two people do bicep curls together with the bucket in the middle PLUS group running to pavilion for 40 count of box jumps
  • Station 4: two heavy rocks used to do six inch leg hold chest press PLUS group running to pavilion for 40 count of box jumps
  • Station 5: 4 jump ropes and a curb for quick feet

The yard tool stations plus more left little time for mary.  Quick hustle over to the tennis courts for 20 count of boat canoes.


Welcome Super Freak to the group.  Mumble chatter about a 6am run on Saturday on tobacco trail.  YHC took the group out in a short prayer.