Let’s just say, it’s been a while. Ok, way too long. My posts this year have been sparse, sporadic, and a bit, well, sparing. There are reasons and excuses and none of them matter today, because today is about getting better for tomorrow.

And today I am Q at F3Raleigh’s original alternative to the original Saturday beatdown, so let’s get to it!

2 laps around parking lot with butt-kickers and high-knees, then circle up in the grass.
SSH x20
Good Morning x10
Merkin x10
Windmill x10
Mountain Climber x15

The Thang:
Mosey to stretch of pavement in front of school and form parallel lines:
Lunge Walk x30
wide grip merkin x15
Lunge Walk x30
carolina dry dock x15
Lunge walk x30
Burpees OYO x10

Conveniently we finished this death march in front of the railing, so YHC instructed PAX to grab a spot on the rail for a pair of pyramids
Austrailian Pull-Up x15
Single leg Squat (R foot on rail) x15
APU x10
SLS (L up) x10
APU x5
SLS (R up) x5
APU x5
SLS (L up) x5
APU x10
SLS (R up) x10
APU x15
SLS (L up) x15

Regrouped into our lines and then completed our death march again, in reverse!
REVERSE lunge walk x30
CDD x10
REVERSE lunge walk x30
WGMerkin x10
REVERSE lunge walk x30
Burpees OYO x5

A glance at the borrowed timepiece told me it was 7:22, a shock to many given the work already completed. and while there was much mouth breathing and talk of mutiny, there was also still much more work to be done.

Mosey to the pristine grass beside F3Raleigh’s favorite cylindrical bank for some speed and power work. Count off into odds and evens, then:

While evens get comfortable for some flutter kicks on the pavement, odds line up and reverse run across the grass and touch the brick walkway, then sprint back, then repeat. Flapjack.


Evens plank hold while odds line up and bear crawl across grass then run back.


Mosey past the construction down to the fountain. Circle up around the fountain. I find the cigarette butts and half-drunk pint glasses particularly inspiring on Saturday mornings.

Power set of 11s – Box Jumps and Derkins. Squat hold till all PAX are done.

Fellowship pace straight up Camelot Dr. back to Martin MS. Circle up for Mary:
LBC x25… no recover
Freddy Mercury x20
Box Cutter x20
American Hammer x10

That is all.

Naked Moleskin: So inspiring to lead this group of men this morning. if you’ve never Q’d or it has been a while, do it, you will not regret it.

Special note of thanks from YHC to the PAX. My sporadic posting has been regrettable, but my sincere thanks to all of you for keeping the lights on for me. Just by showing up you are doing something great for others, in that you are keeping this organization alive for one more day.

Susan Komen 5k is around the corner. This is a fantastic opportunity for F3 to be present in our community and do good, regardless of your pace. How many F3 shirts will we have running this year?

Prayers and concerns were raised up. Elsinore lead us out in graceful and powerful prayer