10 PAX present for first Q for Claven. YHC spoke with him earlier in the week and he had already been scoping out the kingdom of Excalibur strategizing his Q. YHC dropped the gauntlet the night before to bring at least 1 FNG and Shark Bait answered the challenge bringing a buddy into the gloom. So with a solid game plan in place and a full disclaimer, we circled up for a Claven led attack on the gloom!

20 X SSH
20 X Good Mornings
20 X Imperial Walkers

Brisk jog over to Station parking Lot

Lunge Walk half lot
Sumo squats X 20
Lunge Walk other half
Sumo squats X 20

Run back around amphitheater field to Station half wall.

Alternating Step-Ups X 20
High Quick Feet X 10 (got the motion down)
High Quick Feet X 20
Sprint over to half wall on other side of the Station
Irkins X 15
Irkins X 15

LONG Indian Run to far side of the Station to entrance of Knightdale Station subdivision then back to YMCA pool center.

Bear crawl half lot stop at post SSH X 10
Bear crawl end of lot Squats X 10
Bear crawl back half lot SSH X 10
Bear crawl to start and Squats X 10

Run to upper lot for 4 Ascending sets
LBC’s 5 X 10 X 15 X 20
Standard Merkins 5 X 10 X 15 X 20

Steady pace back to the flag BUT WAIT, there’s a pile o’ rocks.

Claven instructed to pick up a rock, not a snake. Obligatory “that’s what she said” mumblechattered.
Bilo missing today, so several PAX picked a Bilo boulder in his absence
Curls X 15
Tricep Extensions X 15
Curls X 20
Tricep Extensions X 20

Back to the flag for some quick MARY

American Hammers X 50

That’s a wrap.

– Namorama, welcome FNG CiCi, great to have you out brother and solid first showing.
– New AO – The Farm in Rolesville Main Street Park, launch Satruday, October 24, 0700-0800…be there.

– Floppy Disk rotator cuff surgery the week after the Ruck, next week will be his last Q and POST at Excalibur for a while. Come on out to see him off fellas.
– Johnny 5 traveling in his custom ’89 tbird to Tennessee, pray safe travels.
– Moonshine traveling with his M and 2.0 to Disney for a week, traveling prayers requested.

Claven shared he’d been wanting to Q for awhile now. T-claps for stepping up and stepping out Q’ing at a young AO needing Q’s. You picked a good group of PAX to lead today brother, thank you again for leading us well today, great first Q! Excited to see the growth and new AO’s for North/East Wake county. We all know men who need their iron sharpened; physically, spiritually and mentally. So send those sadclowns out here our way… Excalibur, Agoge and The Farm are ready. AYE gentlemen!