Thirty-three PAX convened at 0545 Monday at Fetzer Field on the UNC campus with a hint of fall in the air—temperatures just over 50 degrees, comfortable indeed for the sweat that was to emanate from two workouts directed by Walt and Shooter (YHC).

Walt led the opening warmup: little man jumping jacks, good mornings, arms circles forward and reverse, mountain climbers, merkins.

Then Walt took half the group on a “Corridor of Broken Dreams” tour of campus, the theme based on the pain inflicted in the corridor just outside Davis Library.  Upon arrival at Davis, the PAX bear-crawled down the corridor to each of 15 successive columns spaced about 20 ft apart, with five merkins at each column.

The Pit – 20 derkins, 20 jump squats, 20 derkins, 20 jump squats.

Greenlaw Building – half the group does balls to the wall while other half does 20 dips.  Reverse it x2.

Main quad – Usain bolts ~100 yards to the flag pole and back, 4 PAX at a time.  Those waiting did burpees, box jumps, dry docks, walking merkins.

Jog back to Davis Library corridor – lunges down the corridor to each of 15 successive columns spaced  about 20 ft apart, five dry docks at each column.

Jog back to Fetzer to join Shooter’s group, which had done a Heavy Metal/Usain Bolt workout on the IM Field.

An array of kettlebells and dumb bells (30s, 25s, 20s, 15s, 12s) and one 25 pound plate were spread out at one end of a soccer field and the PAX spread out. One man ran to the far end and back, about 200 yards, while the other PAX were doing goblet squats, KB swings, wide-grip merkins, standard merkins, diamond merkins, overhead presses, bicep curls, side raises, low-plank holds, tricep extensions and renegade rows. Each moved one station over after each successive PAX made his run. We got through 2.5 circuits before retiring for a quick rendition of Mary:

Low-plank holds for 30 seconds, LBCs, low-slow flutters and WWII.