11 pax including 1 fng and one auditor from the home office. Calli gave the disclaimer and we were off.

Mosey to Sertoma with stops for SSH, Imp Ws, Merkins, low plank hold calf stretches.

At Sertoma, three rounds:
Round 1: Reverse crab up walkway, 10 jump lunges, craw bear back, 10 jump lunges, crab walk up, 10 jump lunges, bear crawl back, 10 jump lunges. Finish with 10 Burpees
Round 2: Repeato
Round 3: repeat with 10 monkey bumpers at top and bottom each pass. Finish with 5 Burpees
Round 4: repeato

Mosey to kiosk for Billy Run up hill to road

Brisk mosey to lower baseball parking lot for two rounds of 4 corners (home to first to home, home to first-second-first to home, home to first-second-third-second-first to home. Stop at EACH base out and back for called exercise.
Round 1: home = 5 Burpees, first = 10 merkins, second = 15 star jumps, third = 20 hammers
Round 2: home = 5 hand release merkins, first = 10 lbc, second = 15 CDD, third = 20 squats
Finish with 25 merkins or pick up the 6s

Mosey somewhere unbeknownst to Ollie and any of the pax, get lost, mosey some more, get lost, head to senior center for Ollie hath a senior moment.

Circle up for “Jane Webb”: 1 burpee – 4 squats………10 burpees – 40 squats
Circle up for Mary: Freddy Mercury, LBC, Left and right oblique

Announcements: F3 Dads and Warrior run the 21st, a Healing Transitions dinner May 17, Q school May 15,

Prayers to M Grease Monkey -she’s getting better, Callihans in laws have contract on their house, and many more unspoken prayers.

Term Paper took us out

Welcome Belly Itcher, auditor from the home office and his bro-in-law “Faberge”, a born and raised Brut of a man from “BO”