It was YHC’s first Whiplash Q, and admittedly it was an improvisation.  Because of that, and the prestige of pain that Whiplash carries, YHC was a bit nervous of the possibility that the Q wouldn’t bring said pain.  YHC also was nursing a pull to the pec that provided just enough discomfort … but with everything at F3, you just gotta figure it out.  11 PAX gathered and headed down the greenway at 6:30a.

Warm Up

Jump up on the loading dock > run to the end > bear crawl down the small slope …. repeat 3x

After the 3rd round, circle up … SSH X20

Loading dock round

G’morning X15

Loading dock round

Mtn Climber X25


Brisk mosey down greenway towards Dojo, stop at first cutoff and Star Jumps 15 OYO

Mosey to the left toward the pond… at next intersection Jump Squat X20

Mosey along the pond to the other corner of pond


The Thang

Partner up … partners run in opposite directions around pond.  When they meet, 20 Merkin Claps… continue running until partners loop the pond 3 times (6 merkin clap sets)

This turned out to be a bad choice of exercise (claps) for the muscle pull… but as they say ‘no pain, no gain’, yea?


PAX powered through this tough sprint, knocked out a little plankorama, and then briskly moseyed from the pond, up by Dojo, down unpaved trail thru woods to the bridge at the bottom of “The Hill”

Next Thang — run to the bridge, 10 merkins OYO, run back down, 20 prisoner squats… repeat 3X

Looks simple on paper, but it hurt.  Vector Victor pulled up with a leg cramp, probably after effects of his legendary last leg at that week’s Judge.

PAX who finished early = 20 hand release merkins (down count)


Indian run on greenway back towards home base… stopped at next bridge for Irkins in cadence X20

Grinded out on Indian Run to top of the hill and LBCs X20

Finished run back to loading dock for quick Mary

Box Cutter X20


Hammer X20




K-Tribe shared with the group how powerful his fellow PAX’s encouragement was for him when working hard on The Hill… that’s what F3 is all about

YHC recommended Freed to Lead for all

Swingline and Friar Tuck reminded PAX of Third F opportunities

Pray for Ron Burgundy and family