Seven PAX braved the cold, post Super Bowl morning to try to work off the beer, cheesy dips and embarrassingly large number of wings.  Needless to say, the PAX and YHC weren’t all that chippy or spry.

Run to the lot closest to the park benches to begin warm up.  Began with 20 SSH, 15 imperial walkers, 10 arm circles x 2, 15 GM’s, and 15 windmills.

Proceed down Sisyphus for rock exercises.  Under the bridge performed 3 set of curls, shoulder press, American hammer and dying peacock (dying cockroach but holding the rock). Set 1 was 15 reps, set 2 was 10 reps and set 3 was 5 reps.

Run back up Sisyphus to the park benches for irkins, dips and box jumps.  Two sets of 20.

Followed by 4 corners in the parking lot.  Bear crawl to first corner for 10 burpees, bear crawl to second for 10 star jumps, bear crawl to third for 10 burpess and bear crawl to final corner for 10 star jumps.

Run back to main parking lot for merry for 20 AH’s.

Like I said, rough morning for the group. Certainly not our finest hour, but we did it and that’s the point. Peacock