Pass the gavel

This week ends a two year plus run of Site Qing The Judge with Tongue and Groove. We are grateful that The Judge has had success and even maintains a position in the exclusive Five Points Triple. We know that The Judge is in good hands with Lutz and Huxtable but do know that they loathe social media and cutting their hair (maybe that’s just Huxtable).

Partner up. Of course.
Mosey up to the old parking lot (or as close as we can get) #nostalgia
Race: 4 stops (10 reps at each stop) around the course:
• Stop 1 – Bottom of the parking lot next to the picnic tables – Star Jumps
• Stop 2 – Between the lake and the Dojo – Merkins
• Stop 3 – In the mosh pit of the amphitheater – Partner Derkins
• Stop 4 – Starting point – Burpees

No longer will we reference a “virtual trophy” at The Judge as we’ve bought a “gavel” (or hammer) to go to the winner. Win the prize. Take it home. Smack your dog (not really – F3 does not encourage injuring animals – FYI; McDonald’s also would like you to know that hot coffee burns your skin) with it but bring it back. It’s not yours. Ha.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.