Apparently, Chong Li some PAX are scared of thunderstorms and rain.  It was a downright deluge as YHC left home this morning but skies thankfully cleared just in time for The Judge.  Turned out to be a nice morning, albeit a bit on the wet side.  5 PAX were there to enjoy it.  Limburger joined us from Brier Creek.  Welcome, and bring some friends next time.


Run w/ all PAX down the path towards the Rings of Fire, continue on the path, around the bend until we get to the bridge at the small lake at the bottom of the hill.  PAX will take off at their own bestest pace.  Predictably, T&G and Denali had the most bestest pace, and YHC had the least bestest pace. 5 laps per PAX, with 20 merkins at the end of each lap.

Upon completion of 5 laps/100 merkins, head to the bottom of the BMF hill and bear crawl up the wet ass hill. 5 burpees at the top and run back down.  Repeat for a total of 5 trips up the hill.

After reaching the top of the hill the 5th time and completing burpees 21-25, turn right and head up the hill to the warehouse.  Get as far as you can with a set of 11s, with the second Ring of Fire being the lower location for the 11s exercises.  Merkins at the warehouse, burpees at the second Ring of Fire.  T&G and Denali got thru 4 rounds while Vector, Limburger and YHC got thru 3.

Quick set of Mary:  LBC, Freddie and Heels to Heaven.  Run back to the cars for COT.

-Prayers for several folks struggling with health issues, and amazement/awe at their positive perspective.

-Denali took us out.

-Thanks to all for pushing hard this morning.  I’m smoked.