… With the sound of mumblechatter. With Au Pair and Myrtle, this was inevitable. We just needed Epoxy to have the trifecta. No such luck for the Pax. Our charge from Enron was hills, hills, and more hills in preparation for the BRR and so charge off we did.


Quick warm up of Good Mornings, SSH, and Windmills and off campus we went.

Instead of the usual right turn, we headed left on Horton Street to Ridge Road.

The first order of business was a full speed descent of Lewis Farm Road. The Pax enjoyed this. Our immediate ascent of the same hill, not so much.

Recovery jog on Dellwood and then sprint Churchill to Dixie Trail. We rounded up there for another full speed run downhill on Churchill to the park with a quick chance to catch our breath and then straight uphill to Canterbury.

Recovery jog down Canterbury to Lewis Farm (haven’t we been on that road before?).  Full speed down Lewis Farm and then straight up to Dixie Trail. Round  up once more for another trip up the Lewis Farm Hill to Ridge with an impromptu round of Merkins led by Cornholio as the prize for reaching the summit.

After a recovery jog to MMS, the Pax lined up on the track for a 400 meter sprint to simulate a stretch kick. Despite an alleged injury, let the record reflect that Cinderella dusted the rest of the crowd.

Naked Moleskin:


During name-o-rama, our FNG commented that there was at least one thing that he liked doing better than running. After several other, less than acceptable alternatives were suggested, the conclusion was Cialis. Welcome!

Tclaps for lots of strong work on the hills. This just in – Cornholio is fast.

Good to see Zima at Hi-Fi.  Come back anytime.

This was the second week in a row for Speed Bump. One week an FNG, the next week a regular.

Thanks to Cinderella for the prayer.
