I hear there’s a great park at Ball Bearings. The mystery machine took 28 PAX in search of it. We eventually found it. Here’s what happened…

The Thang
When I arrived, there was one other car. In short order there was a dozen. Then more. Hmmm…may have to alter the plan some…or not. No FNGs, so short disclaimer given in the form of a quote by Henry Ford:  “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”  Chew on that and let’s go.

Warm up run from Washington St to Washington St. (wait, what?). Circle up in the freshly mowed lawn of the Methodist Home for Children. Mumblings of “This isn’t the park” and “Are we supposed to be here?” and “Wow, this grass is nice.” Sure, YHC mowed it this morning.

SSH x20, Imperial Walkers x15, Mtn Climbers x15, Single-Leg Merkins x15
Okay, maybe this grass is too nice for these guys. Let’s get out of here before we get in trouble. That was plenty of warm up anyway. Continue run around Washington and down Wirewood Dr.

Plank it out for all the PAX to arrive. Quadraplex x15 (alternating bird-dog)
Left leg, left arm…I mean right legged arm..Whatever! Just do it.
Set of 11’s on Wirewood Hill, watch out for the cars and Chong’s mucus cloud (feel better, brother)
Star Jump Burpees at the top (10-1) > #crowdpleaser
Squat Jumps at the bottom (1-10)
As we got strung out, the chaos kicked in. Avoiding guys running the opposite direction on the dark hill became part of the challenge. Mr. Hand crushed it, and the 6 wasn’t far behind. Solid Ball Bearings group, as usual. Finish back at the top, with Plank, Squat, Plank, and a side of Nipplers x15
Let’s go find that damn park. Run thru the apartments, to edge of Will’s Forest. Quick Fast Feet on curb x20, then mosey down to the shelter

Helter Shelter
The chaos kicked into overdrive here as YHC asked the PAX to get into groups of 4, and find a table. As a group, complete 100 pull-ups, 100 irkins, and 100 step-ups. Groups of 3, do 75 of each.
Figure out how you want to rotate, keep count and get it done. I have to say, this was absolutely nuts. It was dark. No one knew exactly how many of each the were doing. As stated, it was the brink of chaos. But just the brink, as I heard folks getting it done. Keeping count. And busting ass.
When your group is finished, run down to the kickball fence and assume people chair.
BTW x20 once everyone was in. Jog over to Hamburger Hill.

Hamburger Hamburger Hamburger
Bear crawl up, squat hold, bear crawl down, squat hold, bear crawl up, squat hold, bear crawl down, squat hold, crab walk up, squat hold, done.

Circle up at the top of the hill. Dying Cockroach x20 – Time to get wet. #TWSS
Alt Oblique Crunches x10 each side – Get nice and wet. #TWSS
A couple of PAX (Awe Bare and CARP) refused to do the side crunches, so for them, we finished with a Utah special: Paddle Out x20 – Get even wetter. #TWSS

Ricochet on Thursdays launching from Roanoke. Do it.
Arena on Friday. 2pm from Pullen. 2:20 at the Healing Place. Be present.
Prayers for SC flood victims.
“If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Incorporated above. That is all.

Thanks for having me ITB. An honor and a pleasure,