YHC has found a new Wednesday AO as of recent that has kept him away from UJ for the past few months, so for a birthday week Q why not go old school.  YHC enjoys Qing, but especially here where the crowds seem to be a little larger and traditionally many newer faces YHC is not as familiar with.  The Jungle did not disappoint either, with 27 for the day, and many unknown to YHC the goal was met.  A call for fng’s was given, with no takers, YHC introduced himself and gave the nod to follow, and the work began.

The Thang:

Jog towards Six Forks, head south on the sidewalk, back in to the North State lot, loop the building once and circle up.

COP; GM x 15, IW x 15, SSH x 20, Mericans x 10, head for the rocks.

Make your way into the rock hole, find a rock, curls x 10, squat presses x 10, extensions x 10, repeto x 15 and again x 20.  Come back out of the hole, jog to Six Forks, cross at 440 & Captrust, work back to Camelot, head north to the round 1st Citizens building and find a partner.

40 Burpee’s, 75 Mericans, & 100 Star Jumps per team, one runs, one works, each man ran the loop going up on the back side three times.

Mosey across to the next FC building, lunge walk halfway bear crawl the remainder, jog back to other side of building find a spot on the short wall for peoples chair, x 5 count through pax with hands out.

Head back to main side of Six Forks just in front of alleyway to fountain, with partner, one does AMRAP while other runs to first round bed does 10 Dericans, to the next for 10 L/R step-ups, then flip flap.  Next round add the far fountain for 10 box jumps.  Sometime during this YHC realized our time was short and made the call for the 2nd group to go w/o waiting on partner, & 1st group to head back to JC Penny lot and wait for pax.

Once all there we finished up with The Dirty Bird (for Au Pair, “I’m Not That Strong A Swimmer”) x 40.


The Skin: Great work by all, good to see old and new faces in the UJ gloom.  Prayers sent to men struggling, families in need, and to those unspoken.  As always thanks for letting me lead!

C-Dub out!