The past several weeks have added a much missed variable, Orwell back in good spirits, and to top it off the diesel has served as honorary clown car for several weeks now.  This past Friday was like several before, YHC welcomed an opportunity to be encouraged by and pray with my “BFAM” (Brother From Another Mother) on the way to the AO.  The CC rolled in rather early for YHC, we had at least 2 or 3 minutes to chat with the pax prior to getting the morning cranked up.  Soon after arriving, Duff, who so generously volunteered to take charge of EC, strolled in with 4 in tow.  With quite the crowd now gathered for the morning work, YHC checked for FNG’s, and with none present, a light disclaimer was given and we were off.

The Thang:

Follow YHC the long way up to the top deck, over the bridge up to Kidd’s Hill and back over to the deck and up to the top level.  Circle up for warm-ups; good mornings, SSH, Fazio’s, Bird Claps, & back to Fazio’s, Windmills, and Merkins.

Follow YHC to the far side of the deck, find a spot on the low wall for peoples chair.  YHC pointed aout 3 light posts that would serve as stopping points in what would ultimately be 10 rounds with Tyson.  Pax would recover in peoples chair between rounds mostly with hands out.

  • Round 1 – Merkins
  • Round 2 – Squats
  • Round 3 – Burpee’s
  • Round 4 – Freddie Merc’s
  • Round 5 – Carolina Dry Dock’s
  • Round 6 – Diamond Merkins
  • Round 7 – WWII’s
  • Round 8 – Merkins
  • Round 9 – LBC’s
  • Round 10 – Burpee’s

Mosey back over to the middle of the top deck for a few minutes of Mary

Mary: LBC pyramid to 30 & back, box cutters x 20, DONE!

Count 27 total with one hand surgeon opting to leave around the 6th or 7th round of the fight. Orwell’s smart mouth had something to say during COT but YHC put a stop to that.  YHC reminded the pax that as a Q they had an opportunity to present a thought, a chance for a minute to share something with the pax, and that over the past year or so that has fallen off from many COT’s.  YHC then asked the pax where they learned what it was to be a man, was it a father, coach, professional athlete, a teacher, a pastor, was a man defined as the one who wears the pants in the family, the one who brings home the bacon, how do you define a man?  Then YHC took a move into scripture, Genesis 1:26-27 tells us that we were created in God’s image.  YHC concluded that without being in God’s Word, how could we know what it really means to be a man of God.  And as leaders in our families, communities, work, etc., we have a responsibility to embrace our roll as both men and leaders.  YHC also informed the pax of his intention to do a summer book/bible study Thursday mornings at 7:00am at Chick-fil-a North Hills, this will start June 16th.  YHC then volunteered Orwell to take us out, and he did so with a mighty word to God Himself.

The Skin: Great work by all, a solid amount of mumble chatter and straight out complaining, always a good sign.  Nice group this morning, 27 is a lot for FZ, YHC will therefore conclude it must be the Q they came to see.  10 rounds with Tyson takes a long time, and 10 counts don’t always need to go all the way to 10.  The last round of Burpee’s sucked, and for YHC what is already poor form, was much worse by the end. #embracethesuck

YHC lost his natural brother 11 years to the day prior, and while this void can never be filled by another man, God brought other men into YHC’s life, many from F3, to show that though replacement will never happen, God can and will supplement that loss with brothers in Christ.  11 years ago on that Friday in May YHC’s life would forever change, but God took that tragedy and turned it for good.  YHC no longer takes family and loved ones for granted.  Life is short the time is now, if you don’t know God and are reading this it’s not too late.  If you know someone that is down, stop and take some time to listen to them, time is precious, be willing to give it away to help a brother.  Remember that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness, and that to lead is to serve.  Thanks to all who have willingly stood in gap, not just for YHC, but for all those in need of this unique brand of fellowship we share.

See you in the gloom.

CW out.