Not quite, but the way we’re going the PAX will be able to switch to swimming laps around some of the area parks soon.  YHC was originally planning a field trip across all the fields (if you’ve yet to come to Juggernaut, should check it out — a growing workout where the location has a lot to offer) over to behind the school, but as that had previously been swampy after a week with far less rain than this one, I ended up deciding on an alternative plan on Thursday night.  As I  was spreading some orange cones throughout dark, rainy Baileywick Park early Friday morning I was excited to see some headlights heading up the driveway and we ended up with a great group of 6 PAX.

Warm-Up (all exercises 4-counts)

Circle up in the parking lot for

  • Good mornings x 15
  • Sir Fazio arm circles x 10 forwards, hold, then x 10 reverse
  • Mountain climbers x 25
  • SSHs x 25

Then we jogged as a group one circuit of the park (down the driveway, over and back up the trail, past the playground and back around to the parking lot) as YHC pointed out the 8 cones along the way and reviewed what exercise we would stop and do at each cone.  As it had been awhile since it was that dark at 5:45, YHC forgot the trail has absolutely zero lighting.  So for the two cones back in that section, the PAX could make up their own exercise as the index card (sealed in sandwich bags to keep them dry and legible) instructions could not be read in the dark.  We also scrapped the backwards run initially planned between those two cones.

The Thang

Break into pairs (of similar fitness level).  With each pair starting at a different cone/station, each team completed two full circuits around the park, running in between stations (or sometimes doing karaoke, partner carry, bear-crawl/crabwalk when we remembered/could read the cards).

  • Station 1:  Paint the lines in the parking lot (with a burpee at the top of each line)
  • Station 2:  Grab a rock from the pile for 30 curls
  • Station 3:  20 sumo jump squats
  • Station 4:  20 merkins
  • Station 5:  20 WW II situps (this was one of the ones in the dark we couldn’t read)
  • Station 6:  20 plank jacks (the other one in the dark, although YHC remembered what this was planned as on our first circuit)
  • Station 7:  20 carolina dry docks
  • Station 8:  40 LBCs

Plank with variations while everyone finished making their way back to the parking lot, then we headed to the picnic shelter for …

Mary (all 4-counts)

  • Dips x 15
  • Box jumps x 20
  • Mountain climbers x 20
  • Dips x 15




  • F3 Forum continues Mondays at 12 noon at Panera on Six Forks (next to Whole Foods)

Prayer Requests:

  • M Grady, for her continued successful recovery from hip surgery
  • Bob Ross and family, as they prepare for the arrival of another baby girl
  • All the men who are completing final preparations for the GoRuck

Thank you to Bob Ross for taking us out with some strong words, focusing on keeping everyone safe through all the hurricane/rains/flooding.


YHC figures about 2/3 of his Q’s so far have come in lousy weather.  If you are ever planning some type of outdoor outing, not a bad idea to take a look ahead at the F3 workout schedule and make sure Pink Slip isn’t Q’ing somewhere that day.  Great work today, men!  Thank you for avoiding the fartsack and joining me, on a morning where staying in bed was especially tempting.  I think we all end up feeling better after we avoid that temptation and go through a workout with our brothers.  As always, a pleasure to lead you fine men — thank you for the opportunity.