13 PAX braved a brisk windy morning with no rain for the first time in over a week. Yours truly turned 32 yesterday which meant there were lots of brownies and ice cream that needed to be melted away. Perfect motivation for my first Q. (Posted on behalf of Imp)

Warm Up

1 lap around the track

SSH x 32

IW x 20

Star jumps x 20

Good AM’s x 10

Burpees x 15

The Thang

Jog to lower shelter

Partner up for Dora the Explorer 

One partner performs the exercise while other partner sprints to the top of the hill. Combine your reps. 

Box squat jumps x 200

Face melters x 80

Grab a rock sprint a lap around the circle between each exercise. 

1 arm shoulder press x 32 

Curls x 32

Triceps x 32

Other arm shoulder press x 32

Goblet squat x 32

Bent over row x 32

Diamond push up on rock x 32

Sit up with twist x 32


Hollow body hold x 32

Mountain climber x 16

Reverse mountain climber x 16

Chill cut plank x 10 count around the circle 

Prayers for Howard on his mission in Africa, Yosef as he starts his Life Group, Dex and his wife. Glad to celebrate 32 great years of life. Thanks for your patience during my first Q.