YHC decided to deliver a core based work out but in the end all it led to was a chapped @$$.

The Thang…

Warm Up- Lap around the courts and down to the lower fields, SSH X30, IWs X25, GMsX20.

Partner up- 100 WWIIs, Wheel barrow up the hill, 10 Burpees, down swap partners, 10 Burpees at the top.

100 Dying Cockroaches, WB up, 10 Burpees….

100 Freddie Mercuries, WB up, 10 Burpees…

100 WWIIs…

COT- Welcome back Imp!!  Glad to have you back out in the Gloom with us!!  Pre Ruck starts in 2 weeks after the steel plates are in.  Still time to register.  Right now it’s Peak Week, Blue Hen, Roger Roger and New Mexico from SW right now.  Hoping to add a few more.  Prayer Requests- Howard and Yosef & Family.

Always a pleasure to lead.  Lets continue the strong showing in SW and see if we can’t average 20 by the end of the Summer.