YHC isn’t one that’s big on camping.  However when Qing you have to keep the Pax in the forefront and not put yourself first.  Therefore YHC figured he better help out his buddies with a little pre-camping workout especially focused on helping with instances when there’s no Porta Potties around…

The Thang…

Warm Up…  Jog around the school and down close to the back entrance.  SSH X 30, IWs X25, Merkins X30.

Jog over to the back parking lot by the trailer.  100 Squats, Run to the end of the parking lot, 10 Burpees, Rinse and repeat X 3.

Jog over to the playground.  Swing Set Rows- X25, Durkins X20, Swing Set Rows X25, Durkins X20

Mary- Protractor- ~3 mins, Side Plank X20 both sides X2, Low Slow Flutter X25, Chillcutt X10 around the horn.

COT- Pre-Ruck training has begun here at Ground & Pound and will continue every week.  Shout out to Mr. Hand and Pergo for hammering out both work outs this AM.  We’ve got a nice contingent and for the Ruck and there’s still time to join us.  I’m ordering my Pack today and the Steel plates should be in in a couple weeks.  Moonshine said the East Wake workouts will commence in the next few weeks.  Be on the look out for more information about that and EH your friends in Wendell and Knightdale to join us.  Prayers for Howard and Floppy Disk and his Daughter.  Sky Line took us out with a Mighty Prayer!

I’m so blessed to be a part of F3.  Thank you men for allowing me to lead.  All the best today!  Go do God’s Work!!