19 or 20 started the day (a few left early but, collectively, we couldn’t quite figure out who left). One FNG (Dolly…as in transport tool as opposed to girl’s name so protocol not broken).

What follows is the hour to the best of my recollection a few days later. I may have missed something here or there but it’s close enough. With gloves freshly-wrapped in heavy duty duct tape, YHC got my 51st birthday party started.

Warm up
-SSH x Fifty-One IC
-Jog around front of school to side street (not sure what it’s called but it is the extension of Northbrook). Follow it down to the end of fence and re-enter Carroll campus, down ramp to basketball court to continue warm up
-Imperial Walker x10 IC
-Burpee x5 OYO
-Mountain Climber x10 IC
-Double Merkin Burpee x5 OYO
-Fazio x10 IC each direction
-Triple Merkin Burpee x5 OYO
-Good Morning x10 IC

Grab ‘traveling-size’ rock
Burpee Broad Jump Ladder from path to sandy infield area (regular broad jump burpee, then 2-merk/2-broad jump, 3-merk/3-braoadjump, etc..ascend until you get to target).

Back to stairs and ascend
At top:
-Curl x10 IC
-Overhead Press x10 IC

Jog w/ rock out driveway and line up on the small hill along Rowan and drop rock
-Backward bearcrawl up hill, 2 frog plank
-Bearcrawl back down, 2 merkin
Repeat with 4, 6, 8
(proved harder than anticipated with loose leaves and acorns. My man, Franzia remarked that it was the most f***ed up sh*t that he’s ever done. That’s good, right?)

Pick rock back up and run to Camelot/Rowan
At corner:
-Curl x10 IC
-Overhead Press x10 IC

continue to corner of Lassiter Mill/Camelot
At corner:
-Curl x10 IC
-Overhead Press x10 IC

Continue to driveway area of First Citizens (base of hill) for hill work
-Run with rock to top of Lassiter Mill, 20 squat-to-press. Then back down hill, 10 burpees
-Run with rock to top of Lassiter Mill, 20 tricep extension. Then back down hill, 10 burpees
-Backward run with rock to top of Lassiter Mill, 20 bent-over row. Then back down hill, 10 burpees
-Backward run with rock to top of Lassiter Mill, 20 hammers, stay at top of hill.

Continue run along Six Forks w/ rock to corner of Rowan/Six Forks
At corner:
-Curl x10 IC
-Overhead Press x10 IC

Continue run w/ rock to Carroll parking lot
-Curl x10 IC
-Overhead Press x10 IC

Continue to top of stairs leading to field, drop rock and bearcrawl down stairs and run back up, collect rock, and put it away and meet at top of stairs for Wall work
-BttW shoulder tap x10 IC
-Mule kicks x10 OYO

Jog pack to parking lot and circle up for

LBC x15 IC
Freddie Mercury X15 IC
Heels to Heaven x15 IC
Homer to Marge x Fifty-One IC


Welcome Dolly! (Student and friend of Sledge. Works at UPS, hence ‘Dolly’)

Peach Pit took us out with some strong words

-I feel I need to mention that when Pax was ordered to grab a rock, it was clearly suggested that it should be ‘traveling size’ as we would be covering some gound off campus. When we were 90% done with the workout and working our way back to Carroll I happened to notice MacGruber with what appeared to be a piece of Stone Henge. Nice work carrying that thing around while doing the aforementioned drills.

-It doesn’t seem possible that a year has ticked by since my ill-advised week-long themed #5Q5Day 50th birthday celebration. I remember each of those pretty vividly and recalled them during the week leading up to my bday this year. Scary to think how quickly life is passing but I’m doing pretty well at cherishing each day and living in ‘the now.’ I have a lot to be grateful for.

Preesh for putting up w/ me Saturday
