13 local Pax and one visiting from Statesville came to Eastgate park this morning for a solid workout by Box Jump.  Workout disclaimer spoken but known by all.  Moving on…

Start with world’s greatest stretch with a handful of merkins thrown in.  25xSSH.  That is enough.

The Thang

Quick run to the picnic table where just down the path near the water was a small rock pile that Box Jump had scouted the day before.  Grab a pal and circle up.  cadence 10 count of prisoner squats, arm curls, chest press.  Run with pal to the soccer fields for a set of 11’s.  chest press, run to a cone about 10 yards out with rock and seal jack merkins then back, just to gas out the pax.  follow up with a plank progression and a round of triceps curls.

move to the far hill near the street.  BJ revealed a strange workout series that was hard to follow and hard to accomplish.  Start with the rock at your feet, sprint the field and back.  Grab your stone and walk it up the hill, bear crawl down and sprint the field and back.  Bear crawl up the hill, pick up stone and walk to bottom of hill.  Start over only this time backward bear crawls.  Squat hold with rock on the lap until all were done.

quick merry of rock v-ups x 20.  Then rock american hammers x 25.  take the stone back to the pile while lifting it overhead.  shoulder burner…drop off the friend and indian run to the parking lot.  end of workout with Guantanamo.

COT – Yoda to continue the support of Chavis Heights workout on Saturdays.  Continue to make your presence to spread the word and develop those needed relationships.  All other prayers lay unspoken but important nonetheless.

Box Jump ended the prayer.  Great job to all on a humid morning.