10 PAX including 2 FNGs, 2 of the newest Wilson PAX, 2 Raleigh F3, 3 Greenville F3 and Your Humble Correspondent making the journey to his home town WilTson all the way from F3 The Fort in Fort Mill, SC.  It was a cool 85 degrees.  Good thing the humidity was low…    0700 rang- we covered the Core Principles of F3, explained the disclaimer, and as it was my turn to lead, ” Follow Me…”

Mosey to Upper Field

COP( circle of pain):

side straddle hop, Imperial Walker, squat, squat jack. Rinse/Repeat

Windmill, lunge, Carolina Dry Docks, Monkey Humpers

The Thang:

Mosey to the Hill for Jacob’s Ladder: Donkey Kicks bottom/Burpees Top.  x7

(its here that Gazelle noticed some horrible looking sandbags.  Sure to inflict serious PAIN to any unsuspecting PAX on future Qs)

Mosey back to Upper Field for PLANKORAMA

Rt arm, Rt Leg, Left leg, left arm, 6″, Mountain Climer, Peter Parker, Parker Peter

YHC discusses the 3F’s.  No one owns F3.  Our job to give it away.

Mosey to Baseball Diamond.

Ark Loader:

RND 1:Bear Crawl to 1st base, Crab Walk to 2nd base, Bear Crawl to 3rd base, Crab Walk home.

RND 2: Alligator Merkin Crawl to 1st, Leap frog/bunny hop to 2nd, Alligator Merkin Crawl to 3rd, Leap Frog/bunny hop home

Mosey to playground

Group 1: step ups x20 each leg

Group 2: swing V-Abs x20

Group 3: Pull ups x15

Rinse Repeat till all stations covered

Mosey to the Parking Lot

6 Minutes of Mary: LBC, Freddie Mercury, Flutters Kicks, Hello Dolly, Rosalita, X/Os

COT (Circle of Trust)

Naked Man Moleskin:

In our daily lives we are challenged with many self imposed reasons to complain or get agitated with routine.  Work, baseball practice, traffic, chores, even working out.  Change one word, change your perspective.  Replace HAVE TO with GET TO.

Was a great morning and YHC is humbled to have lead such a fine group of men.  Welcome back Wilson PAX John Boy and Ohm.  Welcome newest Wilson members : King Pin and Fleming.

All out sweat fest this morning.  It didn’t take long before we were soaked.  Strong performances by Chong Li, and Ohm.  Couple of prime opportunities to spill merlot- particularly after Jacobs Ladder.  Good leadership by those who picked up the 6. “no man left behind”.  A few manly men doubled down for the 3rd annual Wilson Swamp Stomp following the beatdown.  It was horrible.

I leave Wilson with great confidence in the strength/determination of the newest F3 Nation members and the leadership from Raleigh and Greenville to launch F3 Wilson.  Wilson is ripe with men to embrace this way of life and to enrich their lives and community.  I look forward to posting in the #gloom on a return trip to Wilson

Prayers for Chong Li’s son and for my wife’s new job.

Humbled by the opportunity to lead.

