The VSF was planted and ten Pax, including an FNG, gathered in the parking lot gloom for a much-anticipated weekly installment of track practice. Their hopes for laps around the oval were dashed, however. YHC instead led the group off campus for the first installment of Ridge Road Repeats. This led to some mumblechatter from those expecting track work (Au Pair) but a good time was had by all.
The Thang:
Warm-up of SSH x 20, Windmills x 10, Good Mornings x 15, and Mountain Climbers x 20
Warm up jog up the hill to Ridge Road where we mustered up and got our orders. The plan for today was intervals at “I-pace”, or roughly 45 seconds less than each Pax’s mile time, for five minutes followed by a three minute jog. First set was south on Ridge to the greenway at Wade Ave. The second set was north on Ridge back to Martin MS. Set three was out to the north, with the Pax reaching Glen Eden Drive before set four, the return trip to Martin.
A quick stretch and then on to COT with a closing prayer by Au Pair.
- Tclaps to the Pax for putting in a great effort. 20 minutes running hard and 12 minutes of jogging in between, plus the warm up and cool down. No rest for the weary.
- Tclaps to Countrywide who is becoming a Hi Fidelity regular.
- Welcome to FNG “Lowe.” Some other F3 names were suggested for this diehard Tar Heel fan but vetoed by a State fan who shall remain nameless. Lowe was the best we could get past the network censors.
- A great start to The Arena workout held at The Healing Place last Saturday. Sign up to attend one Saturday morning; space is limited.
- Second anniversary convergence on March 1, 2014 at Pullen. No Catalyst that day. Let me repeat, no Catalyst that day.
- GO RUCK on May 3-4, 2014. See Yo-Yo, et al.